Friday, 30 August 2024

Gaza – how to change the narrative?

An ongoing unease or simmering internal anger is the destruction of Gaza and our response. The helplessness of not being able to influence proceedings can remain as despair so the question is how do I show up authentically with this? How can the active hope approach help? 

Firstly let my gratitude extend to the supporters of the people of Gaza such as MSF and locally the WA Friends of Palestine and then my friends who are using social media to share content. There are many positive stories that encourage inspiration. 

It is sobering to follow MSF’s reporting of what is happening on the ground in Gaza: 

For those who have managed to survive the relentless onslaught of bomb blasts, shelling and gunfire in Gaza, staying alive has meant moving continually from place to place with whatever basic items they can manage to carry. However, testimonies from MSF staff and patients, collected over the past nine months, clearly show that nowhere is safe in Gaza. MSF 10 July 2024.

At what point do we say enough is enough? How can 40 000 fatalities not be enough? All the words calling for restraint have been ignored. The Labor Government refuses to criticize Israel’s actions at the risk of taking sides. Incredibly the Australian Zionist lodging a complaint with the Human Rights Commission accusing the former SBS broadcaster Mary Kostakidis of breaching racial discrimination laws by posting criticisms of the Israeli government. Dutton calls for a ban on Palestinian refugees and a poll shows that the majority support this. Sigh.

The US response is even more disheartening. Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in the US Congress received 58 standing ovations .where even Kamala Harris strongly supports Israel. Though her deputy Tim Waltz at least has called them into account.

There is little to cheer about for the near future and any intervention from Iran will force the US to an even more hard line solution. 

So where to head to for wisdom in the search for hope? Looking for inspiration I find the following wisdom: 

Most of us feel completely powerless in the face of the ruthless suffering that is happening in Palestine and Israel. But the yogi desires not to gain power over the outside world, but rather to raise their own inner power and act as a saint first before a warrior. To feel powerlessness gives one an opportunity to grow in consciousness so that we do not create so much pain and suffering in the future. We can ask ourselves, what is my role here in what is unfolding? What power do I have to influence a positive change for the future?

Let us not forget: The Palestinians in Gaza are our permanent neighbors, and we are theirs… One of the dreams of Zionism was to be a bridge. Instead, we are creating exclusion between the East and the West instead of creating bridges; we are contributing to the conflict between East and West by our stupid desire to have more. A. B. Yehoshua

I am taking the side of Peace whose name has barely been spoken in this winnerless war.…don’t ask me to wave a flag today unless it is the flag of Peace. Don’t ask me to sing an anthem unless it is a song of Peace. Don’t ask me to take sides unless it is the side of Peace. Rabbi Irwin Keller via Jack Kornfield

And this that I’m now learning on the guitar from Yusuf (then Cat Stevens)

Now I've been crying lately / Thinkin' about the world as it is / Why must we go on hating? / Why can't we live in bliss? 'Cause out on the edge of darkness / There rides a peace train / Oh, peace train take this country /Come take me home again Peace Train, 

So in the Active Hope context: 

Gratitude: I’m very grateful for the action of those on the ground in Gaza supporting people to survive under oppression. Thinking of MSF who continue to be present despite the odds.

Honouring the Pain: I acknowledge the trauma of those in Gaza and the hurt felt around the globe. Also the Israelis who are living under heightened tension and anxiety.

Seeing with new eyes: To try and be open to different points of view.  

Going Forth: I commit to having conversations with others and thinking creatively to express my concerns. To play and sing Peace Train while sending loving thoughts to Gaza. To write to my local MP.

Photo: One creative approach to gather attention in the neighbourhood.