Sunday, 9 February 2025

2025: The personal Year of Kindness

I’ve allocated the theme of kindness to this year 2025.

What it can teach me about what it means to live a good life.

To explore how kindness can show up each day. To be intentional about it: to start the day with what can I do to be kind today? Then review at days end how did kindness show up today? To record in a journal the day to day significant points.

To start conversations about it, invite opinions and listen to stories.

To read and be exposed to teachings on the subject

To express it in my art, in the choice of music to listen to and play on guitar.

To share it on the pavement chalk.

To share the journey with others who care to join me.

To understand how kindness extends from small acts to addressing the broader issues of our times. From the personal to community to national and international? How kindness can extend from people to animals and the natural world and then to the future. The connection to justice and politics.  


Why kindness?

Have been thinking about it for some time and see that it is not something treated that seriously. The typical context is small acts of kindness to strangers and being something almost childlike. I’m interested in diving a lot deeper and seeing where it might lead. I’m drawn to it because it is action grounded on compassion and empathy with the concerns of others at the centre. It is also interesting to read of the wise people who say the most important thing in life is to be kind – think Mother Teresa.


Reflections thus far:

Intentional kindness can be surprising – it takes me out of my own concerns and towards those of others.

It is good for relationships. People like being around kind people.

Joy and good humour is usually well received.

A small act of kindness is easily done, the bigger acts take more thought and effort.

Kindness is often limited to personal interactions - I want to explore the broader implications for justice and non-human dimensions.

Candle of Kindness

In the darkness of despair, pain and vulnerability

the fear can be overwhelming. 

I’m drawn inwards, my breath audible.

Is this what life will now be like?

I search for a light to illuminate a way forward, an escape.

Maybe it is just a flicker, something, anything.

To give hope that this place is not permanent.

I scan the horizon, turn behind me, waiting. 

And there it is just like that 

the torch of Kindness lands upon me and points in a direction I can step towards. And I take that first step, not a big one but it is enough. 

It is gone just as quickly, but its job is done.

Now the darkness does not weigh so heavy. The veil lifts slightly. 

There is hope and I am grateful.

Another candle of kindness will pass my way 

and I too, when ready will carry my own candle in the night to find you.